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    Breast Feeding — breastpump

    Why Wyatt's? (What You Can Know For Sure)

    Why Wyatt's? (What You Can Know For Sure)

    Expecting moms are basically professional decision-makers.

    Hospital birth or home birth? Which diaper bag style - tote or backpack? Find out the gender of the baby early or drive everyone crazy with the anticipation of waiting until delivery? 

    So. Many. Questions. 

    When it comes to breast pumps, there are even more questions to add to the list:

    How do I get a breast pump? Which pump is right for me? Do I need the portable version? How do I contact my insurance company about this? 

    It’s a lot, on top of an already overwhelming list. We get it. 

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    Breast Pump Basics: How to Get One (At NO Cost to You!)

    Breast Pump Basics: How to Get One (At NO Cost to You!)

    So, you’re expecting and planning to breastfeed your baby? Hooray! Fist bump; applause! And a pat on the back, to top things off. We love hearing that and we are cheering you on! 

    Breastfeeding moms are most successful when they are surrounded with support, and that can take on many different forms. It involves mom friends who have breastfed their own babies, in-person lactation counselors, helpful articles and other resources, as well as having the proper equipment on hand. 

    First things first, you’ll need a breast pump. Wondering how that works, exactly? 

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    Breastmilk Science: What's Behind Varying Hues

    Breastmilk Science: What's Behind Varying Hues

    Have you seen the photos of breastmilk in varying colors floating around the internet? These photos claim an immune response in the mother’s milk.

    We know that breastmilk alone is sufficient for a baby for the first six months of life. That’s because a mother’s milk is dynamic - meaning it is always changing - adjusting it’s composition to compensate for the baby’s current needs as he or she grows and develops.

    So, not only does your baby “tell” you how much milk she needs, how often, and what her nutritional needs are, she is also relaying a message about her immune status.

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    Easing the Mental Load of Breastfeeding

    Easing the Mental Load of Breastfeeding

    There’s a certain mental load that comes along with being a parent, and that’s something all moms will carry throughout our parenthood. Newborn “baby brain” might dissipate, but the mental load of motherhood is persistent and can often feel like an imaginary burden that takes a significant emotional toll on us.

    When it comes to breastfeeding moms, there is another element to this load, an extra weight we carry.

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