Breast Feeding — Breast Feeding
Baby Registries: Thinking Outside The Box
Everyone knows the baby registry staples:
Diapers, pacifiers, burp cloths, bottles, diaper rash cream....
But what if we told you there was an entire list of random items you'll be wishing you had in that first year or so of your baby's life?
PART II: How to Find the Right IBCLC For You
When you’re a new or expecting mom, there is an entire world you have to become acquainted with that you’ve never stepped foot in before.
Part of that is breastfeeding and breastfeeding help. In Part I, we discussed what an IBCLC is and why you need one.
But how do you go about finding one? And not just any one, but the right one?
If Breastfeeding Moms Wrote Letters to Santa
PART I: What is an IBCLC & Why Do You Need One?
What is an IBCLC, anyway?
If you’re new to breastfeeding lingo, IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. An IBCLC specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding. They do this by helping to establish and sustain breastfeeding. In short - they are the breastfeeding experts.